Do I Need Debt Consolidation Plan

Released on: July 23, 2008, 4:52 am

Press Release Author: - NNDC Non Profit Debt Consolidation

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: Wondering if you need Debt Consolidation is usually a sign that you may need some form of debt relief, be it Debt Consolidation, Debt Settlement or a form of Credit Counseling.

Press Release Body: If you are Reading This, You May Need Debt Consolidation

There\'s an old saying in recovery circles that says \"If you are sitting in an AA meeting, wondering if you are an Debt Consolidation Familyalcoholic, you probably are.\" The same may be true if you are wondering if you need debt consolidation. Chances are, you are thinking about it for a reason. It is highly doubtful that someone sitting in a very healthy financial situation will take time out of their day wishing they had more in their bank account unless they are very greedy!)

However, just as with our friend who drinks too much will find a better life in recovery- so too can those who are in too much debt find recovery of a different type- personal financial freedom. Luckily, in both cases, there is a solution.
So, Do You, Need Debt Consolidation?

Let\'s take a look at some of the common symptoms of an \"unhealthy financial situation\".
Income DebtNo Disposable Income After Bills are Paid Due to Debt

Working to live and living to work. When you cannot define yourself by anything other than working and paying bills and nothing else, unless it is a short term remedy, you are missing out on the American Dream. Unfortunately too many of us live this exact type of existence.
Savings Debt
Not Able to Contribute any Money for Savings Because fo Debt

Whether it is putting money aside for a rainy day (a necessity), saving for a new car, a new home or children\' college, living without savings is basically like living on borrowed time. It can be a hopeless feeling of frustrating when we can look years into our future and imagine ourselves in the exact same situation we are in right now. Savings, even a little at a time, is important to feel secure and comfortable.
Credit Card Debt Consolidation
Rarely or Never Paying with Cash and Using Credit Cards

Using credit cards to pay our basic living expenses will eventually catch up to us. Eventually the balances will cause the minimum payments to be too high to pay off, thus causing the snowball effect of higher interest rates, then higher payments, then late payments, then even higher interest rates and higher payments. At some point your expenses will overtake your income and you will be completely burdened with debt.
Paycheck Debt Consolidation
Living Paycheck to Paycheck and Not Saving Becuase of Debt

Many salaried or hourly worker employees get into to trouble because of a temporary financial set back. If the type of job is not one that allows overtime or extra commission, where you can pick up extra money, one small bump in the road can put you in trouble for months, even years. Most people actually live paycheck to paycheck, which is very dangerous when something unexpected comes along such as a a medical/health issue, car expense etc). And of course since the paycheck is always the same, once you get behind you can\'t get caught up

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877-507-DEBT X 10

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